Juno Loves Legs

by Karl Geary
Published by Dreamscape Media Genres: Fiction, LGBT, LGBTQ
Format: ARC, Audiobook, eBook

Dublin -1980’s

Juno met Legs in school when she stood up for him as he was being bullied by a cruel nun and a priest. They made fun of him and stated he looked like a girl. Both have hard lives. Both desperately want the love and connection that they are not receiving openly at home. Both cling to each other forming a close friendship that even separation can’t lessen.

This is a book that I thought I would enjoy more. Others are loving it and please read their reviews as well. I do appreciate how the author showed readers two individuals who didn’t quite fit in yet fit so perfectly for each other. How they found love and support in another.

The book has sadness running through it. It will have you feeling and thinking about the two main characters. This book is well written and yet, for some reason, it didn’t wow me as it did other readers.

Thank you to Dreamscape Media and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

