Devolution: A Firsthand Account of the Rainier Sasquatch Massacre

by Max Brooks
Published by Del Rey Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Horror, Science Fiction
Format: Audiobook

This was a book that I had wanted to read for some time and was happy when the audiobook became available through my local library. I devoured this in one day. I was instantly drawn into the story and loved the way in which the book was told via the journals of resident Kate Holland, and interviews with experts.

This one had my on the edge of my seat for most of the book wanting to know more. I loved the something-is-out-there feel to the book. I also enjoyed how the ideal self-sufficient town, Greenloop community, was thrown into chaos when Mount Rainer erupted and cut them off. They soon found that they were not as self-sufficient as they thought. When supplies get low, power is out and footprints bigger than a humans begin to be seen, the residents grow more tense and there is a sense of foreboding.

I loved the tension, the creepiness and linger dread in this book. So why 3 stars? Because the book began to linger and by the end when everything hit the fan, I was just over it. Can’t really pinpoint a reason why. It just lost me a little along the way. But I must give this book HUGE props for the tension and dread. I did enjoy this and it did make for some fun listening.

