Like the Appearance of Horses

by Andrew Krivak
Published by Bellevue Literary Press Genres: Historical Fiction, Literary Fiction
Format: ARC, eBook

’Their appearance is like the appearance of horses,
and like war horses, so they run.’ – Joel 2:4

If you have not read a book by Andrew Krivak, you are missing out- BIG TIME! Like the Appearance of Horses is a gripping and masterfully told story of one family and their century of war.

Jozef Vinich settled in the small town of Darden, Pennsylvania after World War I. One day a young man, Bexhet Konar, arrives after his grandfather helped him escape fascist Hungary and traveled to America to find Jozef Vinich. Jozef saved Bexhet’s life when he was an infant and delivered him to his grandfather. He is told that Jozeh saved him once and will do so again. There he learns English and falls in love with Jozef’s daughter, Hannah. Their son, Sam will fight in Vietnam and come home with addiction and scars. Sam’s son will be a Marine on his way to Iraq.

This sounds like a lot to fit into 278 pages, but Krivak does so beautifully and with skill. He tells the story of a family that has fought in many wars and how it affects their lives. It is also about family, love, duty and serving your country. Readers will read as the characters experience love, loss, grief, hope and show strength. If you have read The Sojourn and/or The Signal Flame, you may be familiar with some of the characters.

Andrew Krivak is such a gifted writer. He has written such beautiful and moving passages in this book. I found myself highlighting many passages and putting the book down so I could savor the words. His writing is so beautiful, vivid, and descriptive.

Thank you to Bellevue Literary Press and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

