Lady Tan’s Circle of Women

by Lisa See
Published by Scribner Genres: Historical Fiction
Format: Audiobook

Lisa See had written another gripping, thought provoking book that showcases strong female characters living in China during the 15th Century. I enjoyed her attention to detail, extensive research, and vivid descriptions. She creates characters that I care about, and it was easy to slip into the world of the characters in this book as a silent observer.

In the beginning of the book, Yunxian Tan is a young girl living during the Ming Dynasty. Her mother passes away and she is sent to live with her grandparents. Her grandmother is a healer/physician in a time when male doctors will not touch women or blood. She has extensive knowledge of herbs and healing. Yunxian wants to be a healer as well but knows that she soon will enter an arranged marriage and go live in the home of her mother-in-law. While living with her grandparents, her grandmother arranges for her to meet Meiling, a midwife apprentice who will remain her friend throughout their lives.

This was such a gripping, eye opening and beautifully written book. Even though I knew about the practice of foot binding and have read about it in many books, it still makes me cringe. I can’t begin to imagine the pain involved.

Class, birthright, customs, obligations, and expectations are detailed in this book. I felt for the characters and formed strong opinions about others in this book. Life was far from easy and Lisa See captured the pressure to produce a male heir, to be a good wife, good daughter, and good daughter-in-law.

Whenever I read a book by Lisa See I am reminded of how much I enjoy her books. I had a hard time putting this book down and can’t wait to read what she writes next!

Captivating, thought provoking, well written and hard to put down! Highly Recommend.

