A Twisted Love Story

by Samantha Downing
Published by Penguin Audio Genres: Adult Fiction, Fiction, Mystery, Romance, suspense
Format: Audiobook

This was a gripping, twisted, toxic, entertaining ball of fun! Ivy and Wes are in love- madly, deeply, insanely in love. Theirs is a on again off again toxic kind of love that no one can understand. Their love is intense, twisted and oops, even attracted the attention of the police. Ivy and Wes are a little bit of a mess, but then again so is everyone else in this book!

This was a gripping, I-can’t-put-it-down kind of book. I rooted for Ivy and Wes, as I mentioned they are a hot mess, but there is just something about them that had me in their corner. Plus, the twists and turns in this book had me flipping the pages, wanting to know where the investigation would lead, and if the over-the-top, toxic lovers would find their happily ever after or would they go down in flames?

I listened to the audiobook and highly recommend it.

Entertaining, twisted, toxic, fun, and hard to put down. Samantha Downing has wowed me once again.

*Traveling friends buddy read

