Published by Atria Books, Bestler Books Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Horror, Paranormal, young adult
Format: ARC, eBook

John Connolly’s writing is so beautiful and lyrical, it is always a pleasure to read his books. The Land of Lost Things is imaginative, lyrical, beautifully written, gripping and captivating. It is also a sequel to The Book of Lost Things, a book that I did not connect with. I am now going to go back and give that book another read as I enjoyed this one so much. Sometimes we are not in the right place to read certain books.
Twice upon a time – for that is how some stories should continue . . .
Ceres sits by her daughter, Phoebe’s bedside table. Phoebe is comatose after being hit by a car. Ceres spends the time with her daughter reading to her the fairy stories that she loved in hopes of bringing her daughter back.
But there is an old house, near the hospital grounds that once belonged to a missing author. Something wants Ceres to enter the home and into the memories of Ceres’s childhood days. She is drawn into the folklore which her father loved, to a land with magical and interesting beings.
Connolly has the heart of a poet. His writing is beautiful and the world/realms he creates are highly imaginative, original, creative, lush, and dark. I was instantly transported into the story full of darkness, wickedness, fairy tales, folklore, interesting creatures, and a mother’s love for her daughter.
This book is full of excitement, danger, hope, love, loneliness, the power of books, the beauty of the written world and magic!
Such a lovely book!
Thank you to Atria Books, Atria/Emily Bestler Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.