Published by Random House - Ballantine Genres: Fiction, Horror, Paranormal, thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

An Apple a day……..
Dark magic, red juicy apples, and the changes that they bring……
I was all over the place with this book. I loved The Book of Accidents and perhaps went into Black River Orchard with very high hopes. There were parts that I thought were brilliant and parts that I thought dragged a little. I found the part about the house cat and the barn cat to be endearing at first then it quickly turned creepy and horrible. I enjoyed how something so fresh, crispy, and tasty like an apple could bring about so much change in those who took a bite (or several bites leading to several apples). Characters I thought were good in the beginning turned on a dime.
I am hit or miss with Wendig’s books. I either find them to be meh or love them. This book felt very meaty and long to me. I think this book could have benefited with some more editing. I also did not find this book to be scary but more horrific.
There has been talk about these apples/apple trees. It has gone back ages, and now the trees are back, and they are proving that the talk was not rumors but real, very, very real.
For me this was an okay book. Not bad but not great either. Many are enjoying this more than I did so please read their reviews as well.
#BlackRiverOrchard #NetGalley #ChuckWendig, #RandomHouse
Thank you to Random House Publishing Group – Ballantine, Del Rey and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.