Published by Somerset Park Press Genres: Fiction, Mystery
Format: ARC, eBook

Andy and Hottie, I mean Lisa, are travel bloggers who have a nice size following. They travel the world and share their exploits with their many followers. Andy, a former Hockey player wants to travel on to Bali, but Lisa (Hottie) can’t pass down an invitation to spend the winter in Martha’s Vineyard. Lisa grew up there and will be staying in the Mansion of Max Beaumont, the wealthy man who was her mother’s lover. Lisa and the private investigator she hired believe that Max is the one who killed her mother, but the investigator will no longer take her calls. Lisa knows Max is behind this and vows to find the answers for herself. Plus, she and Andy can still blog about their trip to keep their followers happy. It’s a win-win until a body is found floating in the Mansion’s pool.
The book has quite a bit of drama and unlikeable characters. There is high emotion, finger pointing, and lots of secrets. There are a few twists and turns and a reveal that I did not see coming! The author did a good job pulling the wool over my eyes. She also did a good job writing unlikeable characters. There are quite a few of them in this book.
The word “Hottie” is used quite a lot by Andy in referring to Lisa and when talking to Lisa. This became a little OTT and cringe worthy. I get it, she’s hot, but it became annoying. Seriously, how old are these people? Plus, I felt there were some unanswered questions concerning Lisa’s mother and how/why she was killed. Maybe I missed something, but I wanted more background on her death.
This was my first book by Ivy Chase (Bianca Blythe) and it proved to be a fast enjoyable read. While I didn’t love it, I did enjoy it and am open to reading more booky by Ivy Chase in the future.
Thank you to Ivy Chase who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.