The Whistling

by Rebecca Netley
Published by Penguin Books Genres: Fiction, Historical Fiction, Mystery, Paranormal, Supernatural, thriller
Format: Paperback

What a perfect Gothic book for the fall season! Seeping in atmosphere, chills, tension and dread, The Whistling will haunt me for days to come! It’s eerie, gripping, well thought out, and shocking.

On the remote Scottish island of Skelthsea, Mary has stopped speaking after the death of her twin brother, William. Mary now lives with her aunt, Violet Gillies, and the staff who take care of their needs. Prior to her brother William’s death, their beloved Nanny left without warning. By all accounts she was well liked and enjoyed her job, so why did she leave so abruptly?

Elspeth Swansome, who recently suffered the loss of her sister, is the new Nanny charged with Mary’s care. She takes Mary under her wing and tries her best to get Mary to speak. As the days go on, Elspeth notices and experience strange things.

I loved the isolation and atmosphere in this book. Both the old family mansion and the island itself were isolated and oozed with atmosphere. I loved the vivid descriptions that had me feeling as if I was right there as a silent observer in the characters’ lives.

Not only was the mansion dark and dreary, but it also had a creepy vibe to it as well. Elspeth can hear a faint lullaby humming outside her door. Plus, things are showing up in her room and as she does some exploring, she finds more troubling things.

I enjoyed the mystery of why the previous Nanny left the secrets that are swirling throughout the book, the feeling of dread, and the mounting tension. Questions not only plagued Elspeth, but I had questions as well. Was the home haunted? Is Witchcraft to blame? Does someone know the truth? Why all the secrets?

There were a few twists and turns along the way, and I did not see the reveal coming at all! That was a shocker!

Well written, atmospheric, Gothic, dark and spooky.

