Published by Berkley Publishing Group Genres: Fiction, Gothic, Historical Fiction, Mystery, Paranormal, Psychological Thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

Atmospheric, haunting, heart wrenching, dark, and chilling. A Haunting in the Arctic is well written and well thought out. It is shocking, evokes emotion and explores trauma. Cooke’s writing is incredibly descriptive and vivid. I felt as if I was right there with the characters on the ship as a silent observer.
1901, Nicky, the daughter of George Abney, the owner of the Ormen whaling ship, was attacked, and brought on board. There she is told that she is to serve as a “selkie wife” to the men onboard. Nicky is shocked, sickened and can’t believe what she is hearing. Her father owns the vessel, after all. This can’ t be happening, but sadly it is.
1973, Dominique (Dom), an explorer, has an urge to go to the Ormen which has washed up on the remote coast of Iceland. She wants to document it, before it is destroyed. While exploring the Ormen, Dom observes that there has been recent activity on the ship. Others have been her before her. Soon she realizes that she is not alone, three other explorers have shown up as well.
The book is told through two timelines and readers learn more about Nicky and Dominique through their POV’s. Both timelines have a dark, haunted, and creepy feel to them. Talk about being right up my alley! The book drew me in from the very start. I love, love, love books set in cold environments with a trapped feeling and this one fits the bill. The cold, the ocean, and the ice all made for a chilling and harsh element that worked so well with the other themes in this book. I also loved the use of folklore in this Gothic feeling book.
Trauma, survival, heartache, and loss are just a few of the themes of this book. Parts of this book will be very difficult for some to read. Nicky’s time on the Ormen is horrific, heartbreaking, and sad. I felt for her the entire time. C.J. Cooke did an amazing job weaving both timelines together. I had no idea where the author was going to take me, and I enjoyed the ride. I did not see the reveal coming at all. I had to pick my jaw up from the floor. I love it when an author can shock me.
I can’t wait to read what C.J. Cooke writes next!
*Be sure to read the author’s note at the end where she discusses trauma.
*Traveling friends buddy read
#AHauntingintheArctic #NetGalley #CJCooke, #Berkley
Thank you to Berkley Publishing Group, and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.