Published by Celadon Books Genres: Fiction, Historical Fiction, Literary Fiction, Mystery, Romance
Format: ARC, eBook

If you have not read a book by Amy Jo Burns, you are missing out. Seriously, you are missing out. What appears to be a simple story is so much more. This is a quiet book but speaks volumes about family, the ties that bind, the need to belong, identity, loyalty, love, marriage, motherhood, sacrifice and being a woman in an all-male family. Mercury is a book that tip toes up behind you, taps you on the shoulder and demands attention.
Marley West was a loner who moved frequently with Ruth, her single mother from one job to the next. When they arrived in Mercury, Pennsylvania in 1990, little did Marley know that the sight of three men standing on a rooftop, would have such a life changing effect on her. She was a loner who longed to belong, to be a part of something, and to be part of a family.
The Joseph family owned a roofing company and the entire family put effort into making it succeed. When Marley meets the Joseph brothers, she would go on to date one, marry another and become a part of their world. Living with all of them would prov to be challenging. Their parents Elise and Mick are an interesting pair. Elise welcomes Marly to her table but never fully to her family. Mick was unpredictable and his ego often got in his own way.
The dynamic between the characters, the storyline, the discovery in the church attic drew me in and had me turning the pages. This was not an edge-of-your-seat page turner but a quiet one with powerful themes. This book is heavy with emotions and a lingering sadness that flows through the family and family members.
What does it mean to be a part of a family? Do you lose yourself while taking care of others?
Through the course of the book, Marley grows in so many ways. I enjoyed reading about her and how her character grew over the course of this book. She was not the only character who grew. Each character has their own issues and unique personality. The Joseph family is dysfunctional but what family isn’t? This family drama was well written, moving and powerful.
The characters in this book are an interesting book. Shay (the youngest brother) and Marley were my favorites. I enjoyed learning more about Baylor, Waylon, and Shay at the end of the book. That was a nice touch and filled in some gaps and answered some questions that I had about them. I have a feeling that I will be thinking about this book for quite some time.
#Mercury #NetGalley #AmyJoBurns #CeladonBooks
Thank you to Celadon Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.