The Engagement Party

by Darby Kane
Published by William Morrow Genres: Fiction, Mystery, suspense, thriller
Format: Paperback

With a synopsis that states “And Then There Were None meets I Know What You Did Last Summer”, I had high hopes for The Engagement Party and Darby Kane delivered! Plus, it has that trapped feeling that I love in books. An invitation to a private setting is nothing new in books. It’s a trope that is frequently used but I’m a sucker for it and enjoyed this tale of survival and revenge.

Twelve years ago, Emily Hunt’s body was found after she went missing. Now, college friends have been invited to an event on a private island off the coast of Maine. Once there they find a body in a trunk with a note letting them all know that they need to tell the truth! Enter storm stage left… because there must be a storm if you are trapped on an island.

What is the truth?????

This was an engaging, gripping, shocking and well written book which kept me on my toes. The characters were not the most likeable bunch, but I was fully invested in finding out what would be their fate. I always love doing my own super sleuthing while reading. I loved the sense of unease in the book, the tension and mounting danger. This book was also atmospheric with the island and storm setting the stage.

I look forward to reading more of Darby Kane’s books in the future.

Atmospheric, gripping, and shocking.

* I received a copy of this book from a goodreads giveaway.

Thank you to the publisher and Goodreads who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

