Published by Michael Joseph, Random House - Ballantine Genres: Adult Fiction, Fiction, Horror, Mystery, Paranormal, thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

C.J. Tudor has thrown her hat in the ring of ‘books featuring vampires’ and bloody nailed it! I devoured this book and had a difficult time putting this book down. It was gripping, atmospheric, tense and well thought out. This hit all the bells and whistles for me. It is set in a cold unforgiving setting, is a police procedural and has vampires in it! Woohoo! I had such a great time sinking my teeth into this book!
Deadhart, Alaska.
Detective Barbara Atkins, a specialist in vampire killings, has her work cut out for her when the body of a teenager is found with his throat ripped open and drained of blood. Along with former Deadhart sheriff, Jenson Tucker, Barbara sets out to catch a killer! Was the killer a vampire? Did someone kill the boy and made it look like a vampire killed the youth? Whodunit?????
I thought Tudor did a fantastic job of nailing the description of the small town feel of this book. Small towns have a strong sense of community. Everyone knows everyone or at least knows them. Outsiders may be welcomed or viewed with a sense of “they are not one of us” or “they don’t know our ways.” Tudor brilliantly depicted the sense of mistrust the townspeople felt when Barbara came to town.
I also enjoyed the chilling feel to this book. This is not only from being set in the cold Alaskan setting but from Vampires and humans living near each other. But do they live in harmony??? They have an agreement that both sides have agreed to follow.
I was instantly sucked into this book from the very beginning. As I mentioned, I had a hard time putting this book down. I enjoyed the characters, the plot, the detective work and the many, many secrets that the town harbored.
This book also asks the question, who are the real monsters in this book?
As with Tudor’s other books, this book was well written, well thought out, perfectly plotted, and paced. I enjoyed the mystery, the secrets, the mounting tension and danger in The Gathering.
Another plus is that this book is not scary or gory. Some horrific things do happen but not in graphic detail. I doubt this book will keep anyone up at night, unless someone is kept up thinking about how much they enjoyed this book. I also have my fingers and toes crossed hoping there will be more books to come.
Atmospheric, chilling, gripping, and so bloody good!!
Thank you to Random House Publishing Group – Ballantine, Michael Joseph, Penguin Random House and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.