The Mountain King (The Asker Series, #1)

by Anders de la Motte
Published by Atria Books, Bestler Books Genres: Crime, Fiction, Mystery, suspense, thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

Woohoo! I have found a new-to-me-author who dazzled me with this gripping, riveting, addictive, suspenseful and perfectly plotted book. The Mountain King is a Scandinavian thriller which delivered and left me wanting more! My advice is to go in knowing as little as possible.

Leonore Asker is a Criminal inspector who has been sent to the Department of Lost Soul, the cold case division at the police station. She is a very interesting character who has an even more interesting backstory which is told to readers throughout the book. She will rely on what she learned growing up to help her solve this case. Solving this case will not be easy. There is the “Mountain King” to contend with. Questions swirled through my mind as to who this person may be, but I was not able to solve the case in this book. I didn’t even come close. It is there that a case grabs her attention – a young man and women are missing. Her investigation takes her to empty buildings and beyond. There are plenty of twists, turns, and reveals along the way. Plus, the ending has me wanting to read the next book in the series NOW.

Whew! This book was a crime mystery gem. I enjoyed the undercurrents of tension, danger, and suspense in this book. If Anders de la Motte is an author, you have not read or heard of, I recommend giving this book a go.

This was an It Ends with a Twist buddy read with Kaceey and Kim-It’s all about the thrill. Please read their reviews as well to see what they each thought of this book.

Thank you to Atria Books, Atria/Emily Bestler Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

