Published by Kensington Books Genres: Contempory, Fiction, Mystery, suspense, thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

Another gripping well thought out, well written and shocking book by Charlie Donlea! Long Time Gone instantly grabbed my attention from the opening scene and never let it go! I had a hard time putting this book down as I was fully invested and wanted more. Donlea is a must read for me, and Long Time Gone did not disappoint!
Imagine submitting your DNA to an online site as part of a research assignment and finding out more than you bargained for! Dr. Sloan Hastings has a fellowship in forensic pathology under a renowned doctor. She always knew she was adopted and had no intentions of finding her biological parents. But when her DNA results come back, she learns she is Charlotte Margolis, aka “Baby Charlotte”, a baby who went missing in 1995.
As Sloan travels to Cedar Creek, Nevada, to meet her biological family and is greeted warmly. Sloan has a lot of questions; will they have the answers? There she will also meet Sheriff Eric Stamos who has some questions of his own…
Donlea did a fantastic job with the characters. Each was distinct and not one stood out to me as being questionable or worthy of suspicion. I came up with a few theories but didn’t come close to solving what happened prior to Sloan/Baby Charlotte going missing and was subsequently adopted. Donlea kept me on my toes wanting more, more, more as the book progressed.
This book is told using dual timelines which really worked for me. I always love tension in books and during the last half of the book, the tension creeps in and begins to mount. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough to find out what was going to happen next! Like Sloan, I had questions as well, and was on the edge of my seat, waiting for answers! Plus, the pacing was spot on. There were no slow parts and the going back and forth in time kept things moving nicely.
Gripping, well written, shocking, and captivating!
#LongTimeGone #CharlieDonlea #Kensingtonbooks #NetGalley
Thank you to Kensington Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.