Published by Boldwood Books Genres: Fiction, Psychological Thriller, suspense, thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

Once I started this book, I didn’t want to put it down! Nowhere to Hide is gripping, shocking, and tense! Woohoo! Keri Beevis never disappoints! What an addictive page turner!
He seemed like the perfect boyfriend. Duncan came across as charming, intelligent, caring, and generous. But soon after moving in, Callie learned his true nature. He is diabolical, controlling, and cruel. Getting away will prove to be beyond difficult.
Now after being helped, she is in hiding and setting up a new life for herself in Norfolk. But due to everything Duncan has put her through, she has a hard time relaxing. She is constantly checking her surroundings and fearing for her safety. I thought Beevis did a great job showing how traumatized Callie is because of the abuse she suffered. She is hypervigilant and anxious as a result.
This book was full of tension and a sense of danger. The pacing was spot on and kept me turning the pages. I enjoyed the mounting suspense and found myself feeling concerned for several characters. There is also a side story about a missing young woman that comes into play as well. Just when I thought I knew what was going to happen next, Beevis threw in another twist and reveal. What a thrilling page turner!
Well written, well thought out, gripping, shocking and tense!
#NowheretoHide #NetGalley #KeriBeevis, #BoldwoodBooks
Thank you to Boldwood Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.