Published by Poison Pen Press Genres: Fiction, Horror, Novella, short stories
Format: ARC, eBook

Darcy Coates has the knack for writing books that I enjoy. I love their creepy, paranormal, horrific, and sinister premises and Ghost Camera delivered. This book contained both the title novella, Ghost Camera but also added spooky stories as well.
In Ghost Camera, Jenine has found a polaroid camera in a lighthouse. When she takes a photo, she finds that she captured more than she intended in the photograph. She and her friend, Bree take more pictures and learn that the more pictures taken, the more dangerous the situation becomes. This was creepy and sinister read which did not disappoint. I also enjoyed the additional short stories included in this version of the book as well. I especially enjoyed the one with the found VHS tapes and the note which reads “Don’t watch. You’ll Regret it.”
This was a great collection which delivered the thrills, chills, and spooky moments. I enjoy Coates’ writing and creepy vibe of this collection.
Thank you to Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.