I Will Ruin You

by Linwood Barclay
Published by HarperCollins UK Audio Genres: Crime, Fiction, Mystery, thriller
Format: ARC, Audiobook

A Teacher’s act of heroism puts him in the crosshairs of a diabolical blackmailer who is determined to get what he wants no matter the cost! I Will Ruin You grabbed my attention from the very first page with the harrowing scene and had me wondering how thing were going to work out as the plot morphed into something that I did not see coming.

Richard Boyle is a high school English teacher who stepped in and stopped a former student who had a bomb strapped to his chest from causing a major catastrophe at the school. Little does Richard know that the attention he receives from his heroic actions that day will have a very negative effect on his life. A vengeful blackmailer is determined to settle a score and Richard finds himself in the middle of accusations, lies, secrets, drugs, and danger!

This book started strongly and then slowed down a bit. There were times where I had no clue where things were going and how everything was going to be tied together. There is a lot going on within the pages of this book. There were also times where I wasn’t even sure that I liked this book mainly because there were a few things thrown in that didn’t seem to help the plot. I stayed with it, and I was impressed with how Linwood Barclay brought everything together in the end! There were a few ‘aha’ moments when everything became clear.

This book is told through the POV’s of many characters which was a nice touch. I enjoyed getting to know their motivations and thoughts. As Richard tried to clear his name and get to the truth, I could feel his desperation and frustration. I also enjoyed the tension, sense of unease and the mounting danger which are woven nicely into the book.

As I mentioned, Linwood Barclay pulled everything nicely together in the end. I saw one reveal coming but overall was impressed by how everything came together. While I didn’t enjoy this one as much as I have his other books, I still found this book to be enjoyable, well thought out, and wonderfully written.

*I listened to the audiobook and thought the narration was wonderful. Very nicely done.

Thank you to Harper Collins UK audio and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

