The Perfect Nurse

by Daniel Hurst
Published by Bookouture Genres: Fiction, Mystery, thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

Daniel Hurst is King of the twist! Seriously, I did not see several of the twists coming at all! Either he is very devious or very clever, I’m still deciding. But what I do know is that he absolutely pulled the wool over my eyes in this addictive, jaw dropping, and twist filled read! The Perfect Nurse kept me on my toes, turning the pages, and glued to the pages!

Darcy is a nurse who has been hired to take care of a woman who suffered an injury in her home. As Darcy and her co-worker, Pippa begin their nursing duties at the woman’s home, Darcy can’t help but think something isn’t quite right. She is not sure what that might be, but she is determined to figure things out!

Oh baby! I had no idea where this book was going when I picked it up. I came up with a theory and then *BAM* I was left reeling after a completely shocking twist. My mind was reeling, and I was on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next. That was the first twist but will not be the last. Hurst had quite a few up his sleeve and I enjoyed every one of them.

The Perfect Nurse is the first book in a new series by Daniel Hurst. It is off to a great start, and I can’t wait to read the next book in the series!!

Dramatic, shocking, jaw dropping and riveting.

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

