The Rhino Keeper

Published by History Through Fiction, Independent Book Publishers Association, Members’ Titles Genres: Historical Fiction
Format: ARC, Paperback

First off, how about that beautiful book cover! I love books that are based on real events and people. I also love books that not only teach me something but are moving as well. The Rhino Keeper fit the bill beautifully. This book is based on a Dutch sea captain and an Indian rhinoceros called Clara. The captain traveled with Clara across 18th century Europe as they brought joy to most who saw Clara.

This book was gripping from the very beginning and is told in two timelines. In 2022, Andrea Clarkson is a college student who uncovers a historical mystery involving a rhinoceros. An eighteenth-century grave has a rhinoceros carved on it. In 1740, Douwemout (Douwe) van der Meer is a sea captain who obtains Clara and travels Europe with her. His goal is to change the negative thoughts and views about Rhinos. While both timelines were engaging, I could not help but adore the timeline involving Clara and Douwe and Zubin, a young boy who Douwe kept on as Clara’s caretaker.

This was a lovely book that took me along with Clara though 18th century Europe. I was drawn into the author’s beautiful writing, vivid descriptions, and the plight of Clara. I was drawn into the author’s blending of fact and fiction. Not much is known about the travels of Clara and her keeper. I appreciated how the author took what little was known about the travels with Clara and added her imagined journey for her and her beloved keeper.

The author did a tremendous amount of research prior to writing this book. I applaud her for that and for writing this wonderful book.

This was such a lovely and beautiful book. Highly recommend.

Thank you to History through fiction and Jillian Forsberg who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.



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