The Honeymoon

by Gemma Rogers
Published by Boldwood Books Genres: Drama, Fiction, Mystery, suspense, thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

Addictive, fast paced, dramatic, and hard to put down! The Honeymoon was instantly gripping and sucked me in immediately. Can you imagine finding your spouse cheating on you on your wedding day???????? Talk about a heartbreaking shocker! What’s a girl to do but go on her honeymoon alone to lick her wounds and try to figure out what to do next!

Kelly goes to Crete alone after Ryan passionately kissing another woman on their wedding day. The calls and the texts begin to come in from Ryan. Kelly hoped this would be a peaceful trip to figure out what to do next, but it turned into a drama filled nightmare. The shocks, twists, and ‘holy crap’ moments kept coming in and I was all there for it! I loved every second of it. But like all things, the honeymoon must come to an end. Then there is a shift in the book. I felt as if I had whiplash! Just when I thought I had seen all there was to see, more came in and things got really OTT after that. This is where the author lost a few happy readers, I believe. I sat there shocked as well. The beginning of the book was a five-star read for me. I loved every single page of it. But when things took a turn, I had to find my footing once again. I imagine this is how the character of Kelly felt as well from the day she got married.

This book put Kelly (and this reader) through the ringer in this twist and shock filled book. I thought I knew exactly where this book was going and then *Bam* it took off in another direction. This book may have readers wondering just how well they know those in their lives.

Gemma Rogers piled on the drama, tension, emotions, and catty comments like the pro she is. This book had my jaw hanging open, my blood boiling, and my expectations all over the place. This book was like being on a roller coaster ride. It was thrilling, had me feeling anxious, then left me with the air sucked out of me.

I enjoyed the first part of the book more than the last half but must give Gemma Rogers props for writing a book that I could not put down. I read this in one day as I was glued to the pages.

Addictive, shocking, maddening, and tense!

Thank you to Boldwood Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.



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