Published by Harper Collins Genres: Fiction, Mystery, young adult
Format: ARC, eBook

Posey Spade, who has dreams of being a journalist like her father, has just moved to Wild Pines. Being a new student at a new school is hard but she is determined to make the most of it. She joined the AV Club in hopes of doing some journalism at her new school, but finds the club is full of slackers and those who want to watch movies to pass the time. After their teacher goes missing, Posey and her fellow AV club members decide to investigate her disappearance and set about to learn the truth!
If You Can Hear Thisis a YA book that on the surface is about students seeking answers about their missing teacher but it is much, much, more. I enjoyed watching as the club members began to share and be vulnerable with each other. How they found a purpose and in doing so made friends, grew in confidence, used teamwork, and learned about their community.
I thought Faith Gardner did a great job in drawing her characters. The teens in this book felt real and I am sure that YA readers will relate to one or more of the characters. I enjoyed the writing and the well thought out mystery.
Well written, mysterious, and engaging.
Thank you to HarperCollins Children’s Books | HarperCollins and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.