Published by Boldwood Books Genres: Fiction
Format: ARC, eBook

Izzy enjoys having cappuccino every morning at her favorite cafe. She enjoys taking the time to relax and people watch before beginning her work. She is shocked and horrified when she sees a man, her husband, Jed, regularly visit the woman across the street! He claims he is out cycling, and sure he does cycle to the woman’s home, but why all the secrets and lies???????
This was an interesting, entertaining, and dramatic book which proved to be a fast read for me. At times I felt for Izzy and her suspicions, while at other times I found myself shaking my head at her actions. Izzy used her job as an advice columnist to work out some of her issues and reading those sections was fun. At various times in the book many characters went from being likeable, to unlikeable, to likeable to you get the picture.
This book was full of secrets, lies, twists, and turns which kept me turning the pages. Just when I thought I had things figured out, another twist came into play. The Girl in the Window proved to be a fast and engaging read.
Thank you to Boldwood Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.