(Don’t) Call Mum

by Matt Wesolowski
Published by Wild Hunt Books Genres: Fiction, Horror
Format: ARC, eBook

Don’t miss out on reading (Don’t) Call Mum! Seriously, Matt Wesolowski books never disappoint. Those who have read his Six Stories books are familiar with his wonderful writing and world building. His characters in (Don’t) Call Mum range from likeable, odd, obnoxious, and creepy. (Don’t) Call Mum is another thrilling example of his ability to build tension, dread, and unease in his books. He also excels at creating the sensation of being ‘trapped’ in this book as it takes place on a train. I loved the chilling and unsettling vibe in (Don’t) Call Mum.

Leo is waiting for a train to take him home to Malacstone in North East England at the beginning of the book. As Leo takes his seat, he makes acquaintances with Jodie, a fellow traveler, and soon they are joined by the loud and obnoxious Angus. I loved how Wesolowski created the cringe and annoyance of Leo and Jodie having to listen to Angus and his incredibly loud phone conversation(s). When Angus realizes that he got on the wrong train, he and readers learn the next stop is Underwood! Readers learn via Leo and Jodie that no one goes to Underwood anymore!

I found this to be a compulsive reading experience. I savored every page and was enraptured by the plot. This book is atmospheric, gripping, mysterious, and had the hairs standing up on the back of my neck. As the train broke down and something was seen in the distance, I was on the edge of my seat, fully invested and turning those pages!

Whew! Beautifully written, chilling, dripping with dread, and unease. Highly Recommend!

Thank you to Matt Wesolowski and Wild Hunt Books who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.



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