Evil in Me

by Brom
Published by Tor-Nightfire Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Horror, Paranormal
Format: Audiobook

Relics, rock-n-roll, aspiration, and possession are center stage in Brom’s Evil in Me. Ruby Tucker is an aspiring musician who has an ancient ring clamp down on her finger while helping him organize his relics. The entity inside the ring possesses her while hoping to be free of its evil master.

Evil in Me is rock-n-roll meets horror complete with interesting and larger than life characters. This book contained music, horrific scenes, danger, dreams, and drama. I was hoping that I would enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed Slewfoot: A Tale of Bewitchery, but I was not as drawn into this book as much as I had hoped.

This book goes from horror to cartoonish, from creepy to silly, from intense to weird. This was a bizarre ride that had its highs and its lows. While I didn’t love this book, I was entertained by it. Brom does excel at vivid descriptions and crafting unique characters, but that wasn’t enough to fully wow me.



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