The Last Session

by Andrea Bartz
Published by Atria Books, Emily Bestler Books Genres: Fiction, Mystery, thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

A Social worker, trauma, a remote center, and a missing patient all come into play in The Last Session. Welp! I really wanted to love this one. I had high hopes but found that I struggled with this one quite a bit. Initially I gave this book 3 stars, but after reflecting on how many times I put this book down to start another book, I moved it down to 2 stars which feels more accurate. This book has some interesting, some odd, and some strange characters. Things venture out into OTT territory in the second half and while I can usually ride the OTT, I found it to be a bit much. Plus, I struggle with slowness and there were parts of this book that were just too slow for me.

This is a bizarre one folks. It initially grabbed my attention and then took a stroll into what-did-I-just-read land. While this one did not work for me, others are enjoying this book so please read their reviews as well.

Thank you to Atria/Emily Bestler Books, Edelweiss, and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.



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