Margo’s Got Money Troubles

by Rufi Thopre
Published by William Morrow Genres: Adult Fiction, Contempory, Fiction, Women's Fiction
Format: ARC, eBook

Margo Millet is twenty years old and a new mother after having an affair with her married English professor. She has a lot on her plate as she finds her finances dwindling and her responsibilities mounting. But Margo is determined, courageous, smart, witty, and willing to do what it takes to provide a home for herself and her son.

Margo learned at a young age that she can stand on her own. Her mother was a Hooter waitress, and her father was a married pro-wrestler who lived with his wife and children elsewhere. But now her father, Jinx, is back and they agree to help each other. Margo’s quest to provide for herself and her child sees her turning to OnlyFans to make money.

Margo’s Got Money Troubles was an enjoyable, endearing, witty, and touching read. I could not help but root for Margo! I appreciated how the author showed the struggles of being a single mother. Margo finds herself in interesting situations, relying on her humor, her courage, her determination, and her father.

This was a wonderful book with heart! I was not expecting to enjoy it as much as I did. I liked how the author showed that relationships can be messy, that being supportive and understanding goes a long way, that humor helps, the importance of knowing your rights, and that there is no shame in having an OnlyFans account.

Thank you to William Morrow and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.



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