All the Way Gone

by Joanna Schaffhausen
Published by Minotaur Books Genres: Crime, Fiction, Mystery, Psychological Thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

Gripping, tense, twist filled, and enjoyable. This book kept me on my toes and doing my own detective work. This is the fourth book in the series but will work as a stand-alone nicely.

Annalisa Vega is now a private investigator and has her first client! Mara Delaney, who has written a book titled The Good Sociopath, about a local neurosurgeon Craig Canning, has hired Annalisa to investigate Canning as she fears he may be responsible for a young woman’s death! Canning denies having anything to do with the woman’s death, and the police believe the death was an accident, but Annalisa is convinced the woman was killed.

This book had me turning the pages while enjoying the interactions between Annalisa and the “good Sociopath”, Craig Canning. Canning was a great character who kept Annalisa on her toes while trying to determine if he was a killer. There is a cast of characters who are also quite ‘interesting’ and cagey. There is also Nick, Annalisa’s ex-husband, to whom she has remarried. He is attempting to build a relationship with Cassidy, the teenager he learned was his daughter a year ago.

This book had a nice mix of drama, characters I rooted for, characters I booed and hissed at, and those that I wasn’t sure of. I questioned some of the characters’ motives, judgement calls, reactions, and actions.

I enjoyed the unfolding of the mystery and the reveals that came at toward the end of the book. I had a few I-should-have-seen-that-coming moments toward the end.

Overall, an enjoyable well written and well thought out book which kept me on my toes and has me wanting to read the next book in the series!

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press | Minotaur Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.



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