WOWZA! I love gripping books that make me think and feel and One of the Boys had me doing those throughout the book. To have your son tested or not, that is the question….
Antonia and Bea are sisters living in a time where there is a test to determine if male infants will grow up to be aggressive. It is called the “M” test and the goal is for the test to be negative. If a male tests positive, everyone will know, and he will be watched and judged closely.
Bea was against testing her son when he was born. She wanted her son to be himself. Not to have a test determine who he was. Antonia had her son tested. She was all for the test and worked alongside her doctor husband in a clinic that provides medication for boys who test positive. Both Bea and Antonia want the best for their son. Each wants their son to have a good life. Both will do what it takes to protect her child.
This was such a thought-provoking book. One test, one simple test can determine not only an individual’s future but the future of the family as well. If you have your child tested, then you know where your son stands. If you don’t have your child tested, everyone will question where your child stands. As your son becomes an adult, how will he feel about not being tested? How will he feel about his test results?
This book was captivating, gripping and thought provoking. It sucked me in and did not let go. As a mother to a son, I wondered where I would stand on this issue. What choice would I make?
This was a well written, riveting, original and twist filled book! I enjoyed every page of this book. I had a hard time putting it down as I was fully invested in what was going to happen to all the characters in this book.
This is a book that I will be thinking about for some time.
#OneoftheBoys #NetGalley #JayneCowie #BerkleyPub
Thank you to Berkley Publishing Group and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.