The EX

Running into an ex can be awkward. You smile, make small talk but underneath, you remember the reason(s) you are no longer together. What can

Her Sisters Secret

Annie always appeared to be happy. She always had a happy face and she and Dom, her husband appeared to have it all. As least

The Housewarming

Well that was sad…. Ava only left her daughter alone for a couple of minutes. Abi was in her pushcart, safely secured, what could go

The Pact

The Pact is about promises and secrets. “We think we’ve got over things, don’t we? We think we’ve made our peace with trauma, that we’re

Can You See Her?

This was an original, captivating and thought-provoking book. What would you do if you became invisible? Rachel Ryder has been married for twenty-seven years and