I Would Die for You

The present, the past, a British band, and siblings all take center stage in I Would Die for You. Sometimes taking a walk down memory lane

The Trade Off

How far will one go to have a hot story? What tactics would one use to get the “story” before anyone else does? What if

The Blame Game

Naomi is a psychologist who specializes in abuse. She has personal reasons for this being her specialty. When Jacob comes to her due to abuse

The Guilt Trip

Oh, what tangled webs we weave…… “A single lie discovered is enough to create doubt in every truth expressed.” – taken form Wisdomlifequotes.com Three couples arrive

The Half Sister

Family Drama, Family Secrets, Motherhood, Marriage, Lies, Deception, Shock That knock on the door that changes everything! Sisters Kate and Lauren have been getting together

The First Mistake

Trust is a tricky thing, especially when it is misplaced, lost, damaged or ruined… Alice believes she has it all. After the death of her