Red River Road

This was a book that I had to think about for some time. It’s very trippy in that I was never sure about what was

Bad Men

A glamorous female serial killer who only kills bad men. This sounded right up my alley. It’s dubbed as “wicked fun” and “darkly comedic” and

Storm Child

Woohoo! Cyrus Haven and Evie Cormac are back in another gripping, shocking and hard to put down installment in the Cyrus Haven series by Michael

One Long Weekend

I adored this wonderful, charming, heartwarming, and lovely book! I enjoy Shari Low’s writing, her characters, and the warm and support relationships they form with

Within Arm’s Reach

Within Arm’s Reach is the debut novel by Ann Napolitano. I began reading this book with some trepidation, as I was an outlier and did not

Black Crow Cabin

Black Crow Cabin: A completely addictive thriller packed with suspense is a gripping, shocking, well thought out, and mysterious small town thriller with paranormal aspects. I

Pitch Dark (Mike Bowditch #15)

Mike Bowditch is back in the 15th book in the addictive, thrilling, shocking and pulse pounding Mike Bowditch series. If someone had told me that