
An unexpected inheritance, an ancient sword, and greedy relatives set the stage for Swordheart. No one was more shocked when Halla inherited her wealthy uncle’s estate

Red Runs the Witch’s Thread

Gothic, chilling, haunting, gripping, shocking, dark, atmospheric, and brimming with atmosphere! Red Runs the Witch’s Thread was inspired by the final witch burning in Scotland in 1697. The

The Bewitching

This is not your usual witch tale – not by a long shot! Told in three timelines, The Bewitching is mesmerizing, intriguing, bizarre, mysterious, and thought provoking.

Evil in Me

Relics, rock-n-roll, aspiration, and possession are center stage in Brom’s Evil in Me. Ruby Tucker is an aspiring musician who has an ancient ring clamp down

 Black Woods, Blue Sky @EowynIvey

WOWZA! Black Woods, Blue Sky was an enthralling, thought provoking, and emotion evoking book. I love Eowyn Ivey’s writing, her descriptions, her use of nature, and the

Out of Air

“Every time I slip into the ocean, it’s like going home.” -Sylvia Earle Woohoo!!! Out of Air is a chilling, gripping, intense, eerie, and thrilling page turner!

Blood on Her Tongue @PPPress @johanna_veen

Gripping, gothic, creepy, eerie, and hard to put down! Blood on Her Tongue exceeded my expectations with its interesting take on sisters, relationships, mental health, bog people

The Bones Beneath My Skin

T.J. Klune has dazzled me yet again with his gripping and wonderful The Bones Beneath My Skin! This book had me feeling all the feels. I

Rolling in the Deep

If you have read Mira Grant’s Into th.e Drowning Deep, you know her version of mermaids. Let’s just say Grant’s mermaids are not Disney mermaids.