Evil in Me

Relics, rock-n-roll, aspiration, and possession are center stage in Brom’s Evil in Me. Ruby Tucker is an aspiring musician who has an ancient ring clamp down

Something I Keep Upstairs

An island off the coast of New Hampshire sets the stage for this creepy and chilling tale. While this book does focus on the creepy

 Don’t Let Him In

WOWZA!!! What a tangled web we weave! Whew! Lisa Jewell kept me on my toes the entire book and left me wanting more! This became

We All Live Here

A house, a broken marriage, loss, family, motherhood, and writing set the stage for JoJo Moyes’ We All Live Here. Lila Kennedy has a lot on

A Dead Draw

Tracy Crosswhite is back in this tale of memories, revenge, redemption, and high stakes! A Dead Draw was slow to start but built to the ultimate showdown!

The Uninvited Guest

The Uninvited Guest is all about secrets, lies, and a BIG surprise! I found this book to be fast paced, entertaining, and OTT. There is never

Last One Left Alive

Last One Left Alive left me with my mouthing hanging open in complete and utter shock! Holy Crap! I did not see that coming at all!!!

Her Hiding Place

Gripping, dangerous, intense, and full of dread, Her Hiding Place kept me fully invested and turning the pages! I loved the ‘trapped’ feeling of this book. The

The Other People

Welp, this book didn’t quite work for me. The premise of The Other Peopleis intriguing – a group of strangers at a country manor with a