Malibu Rising

“Ain’t no party like a West Coast party‘Cause a West Coast party don’t stop” – Coolio True to form, Nina Riva’s party was a west

Unsettled Ground

Unsettled Ground is such an apt title for this book. The book, as other reviewers have mentioned, is unsettling. There is a sense of melancholy

The Music of Bees

Bees. Strangers. Friendship. Community. The Music of Bess (that cover!) is about three people who have nothing in common forming friendships with each other all


“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of

We Begin at the End

Self-proclaimed Outlaw, Duchess Radley is thirteen-year-old girl who must care for her five-year-old brother, Robin. She should be enjoying her childhood, going to school, hanging

Sing, Unburied, Sing

5 stars doesn’t feel like enough. How to describe a book that is both heartbreaking, sad, raw and yet hopeful all at the same time?

An American Marriage

Celestial and Roy are a young married couple who have a bright future. He has an executive with a good job, and she is an


No one writes desperation quite like Michael Farris Smith. He writes characters who have given all they can possibly give, who have their back against

Desperation Road

WOW! Just WOW! For once I read a book slow. I savored this book. So wonderfully and eloquently written. Powerful book about loss, bad choices,

The Line That Held Us

“In that moment, he knew that he was standing in the midst of something that would never be forgotten, something he would carry from this