Secrets of the Dead

Secrets of the Dead is a fast paced, atmospheric, novella full of secrets, lies, betrayals, jealousy, and danger. Dani is an interesting character. She is not

Ghost Camera

Darcy Coates has the knack for writing books that I enjoy. I love their creepy, paranormal, horrific, and sinister premises and Ghost Camera delivered. This book contained

The Night Guest

This was a creepy and bizarre novella about Iðunn, a woman who feels constantly tired. She seeks medical attention and is told to get more

A Voice Calling

Like people, homes have history. Button House has a dark history. It has stood for generations and during that time, people have gone missing. Those

Spin a Black Yarn

Spin a Black Yarn is a collection of five novellas/short stories. I found this to be an enjoyable and thought provoking mixed bag of stories. “Half

The Beast You Are

Paul Tremblay can write and has such a creative mind. I struggled with how to rate this book. There were ones that I thought were

Comfort Me with Apples

Well, that was UNEXPECTED! This one was peculiar and yet, I could not stop reading it. Everything is perfect in Arcadia Gardens. There are, of course,

Goblin : A Novel in Six Novellas

Goblin contains six novellas which all take place in the town of Goblin. With all story collections, there were ones I enjoyed more than others