The Finalists

Unfortunately, this was not for me. Six college students have gathered to compete for the Hyde Fellowship. They must enter Hyde House leaving behind their

The Roughest Draft

Katrina Freeling and Nathan Van Huysen, literary darlings, whose books topped the best sellers list. Their books flew off the shelves. If they wrote it

Mr. Wrong Number

What happens when you send a text to the wrong number??? Olivia Marshall had to move in temporarily with her brother, Jack, and his roommate

The Way We Weren’t

An unlikely friendship, the beach, some sea turtle hatchlings, and a whole lot of feels. You trying to kill yourself, or are you just stupid?

The Lighthouse Witches

4.5 stars A light house, missing children, a land cursed by witches and wildlings make for a riveting, gripping and oh so enjoyable book! Single

Emily’s House

She was Emily Dickinson’s maid, her confidante, her betrayer… and the savior of her legacy. Amherst, Massachusetts – March 1869 Margaret (Maggie) Maher, an Irish