Don’t Let Her In

Gone are the days when people got excited when they received a letter…. Lena moved into Mandalay Close the same day her neighbors received letters

Every Step You Take

Running 26 miles is hard enough, but when you are trying to figure out if your stalker is out there and watching makes it even

Nowhere To Hide

Once I started this book, I didn’t want to put it down! Nowhere to Hide is gripping, shocking, and tense! Woohoo! Keri Beevis never disappoints! What an

The Mistress

WOWZA! This book proved that you do not need a lot of pages to deliver a thrilling page turner with fully fleshed out characters! Coming

The Good Wife

The synopsis is right, “appearances can be deceiving.” But what is not deceiving is the brilliant writing and storytelling of Gemma Rogers. I found this

It’s Complicated

This book wasn’t complicated at all, in fact, it was a delight! Camilla Isley writes endearing, cute and charming, sweet books with characters that I

Fairytale of New York

Love, heartbreak, friendship, confidence, a chance meeting, New York City, and London set the stage for Fairytale of New York. It’s a charming winter romance that

One Year After You

The course of this book takes place over a 24-hour period. Four characters will see their lives change during that time. One Year After You is the