Tell Me What You Did

Let me tell you what I did! I read a very clever, well thought out, engaging, dark, and riveting page turner titled Tell Me What You

Blood on Her Tongue @PPPress @johanna_veen

Gripping, gothic, creepy, eerie, and hard to put down! Blood on Her Tongue exceeded my expectations with its interesting take on sisters, relationships, mental health, bog people

A Long Time Gone

Gripping, tense, well thought out, and captivating! I was over the moon to be back in the world of Ben Packard! I have adored and

My Darling Dreadful Thing

Gothic, bizarre, creepy, and unsettling, My Darling Dreadful Thing is a unique, dark, and original book. While reading there were times that I wasn’t sure that I

The Inmate

Another amazing, addictive, entertaining, and hard to put down book by Freida McFadden! I found this book to be gripping from the very beginning! Single

Twenty-Seven Minutes

Ten years have passed since Phoebe Dean died after a car accident. The town of West Wilmer has been questioning what took her brother, Grant

The Locked Door

Nora Davis is the daughter of a notorious serial killer dubbed “the handyman.” Her father told her he was working in the basement, but he

No Child Of Mine

Love, marriage, pregnancy, motherhood, and a family curse…. Essie is a happily married woman who is working on completing her law degree. She and her

The Twisted Dead (Gravekeeper, #3)

This booked worked very well as a stand-alone book for me! The Twisted Dead had me fully invested in the plot from the very beginning. I found