The Soulmate

by Sally Hepworth
Published by St. Martin's Press Genres: Fiction, Mystery, suspense, thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

“In one lifetime, you will love many times, but one love will burn your soul forever.” Patty Starr Chase

WOWZA! This was so good! I love when a book surprises me and this one did several times. This had twists and turns galore! Bring it on!!!

Gabe and Pippa live in a cottage on a cliff. There are great views, but the cliff is known as the spot “The Drop” where people come to end their lives. Gabe has gone out and convinced people not to jump until one day he doesn’t. Gabe tells the authorities that the woman informed him that she was distraught over her husband’s infidelity. Her death is ruled a suicide but the police keep asking Gabe and the woman’s husband questions. When Pippa learns that Gabe knew the victim and did not disclose it, Pippa wants to learn the truth about what happened, why the woman was on the cliff and why her husband lied.

I loved how the book is told through the POV of Pippa and Amanda (the dead woman). Through each POV we get to learn more about the women, their marriages, and their secrets. Juicy, juicy, juicy.

This book is so full of twists and turns be careful not to get whiplash! I loved the juicy domestic drama. I found this book very hard to put down and kept making time to read it. It’s gripping, shocking, dramatic, full of secrets, and left me with my mouth hanging open a couple of times.

Hepworth has done it yet again! This is now my favorite book by her.

Highly Recommend.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

