Darling Girls

Sally Hepworth has done it again! Another hard to put down book that is both thought and emotion evoking. As with her other books, Darling Girls is

The Soulmate

“In one lifetime, you will love many times, but one love will burn your soul forever.” Patty Starr Chase WOWZA! This was so good! I

The Younger Wife

“Putting on a good show was all dad cared about” Stephen Aston, a successful surgeon, is getting married to a woman, Heather, who is younger

The Good Sister

Rose and Fern. Fern and Rose. Twin sisters and so it goes…… It seems that it has always been the two of them looking out

The Mother-in-Law

Families – there is the one you are born into, the one you marry into and the one you choose. When Lucy marries Ollie, she