My Husband’s Affair

WOWZA!!! Talk about getting whiplash while reading! My Husband’s Affair is a gripping, twist filled, shocking book that had me turning the pages at warp speed wanting

The Party on Laurel Street

Well written, gripping, dripping with tension, and full of secrets! The Party on Laurel Street had me turning the pages wondering what happened in the woods all

The New Girl

A new job. A new start in a new city. Sophie can’t believe her good fortune! She lands a dream job. With the job, comes

The Wedding

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” – Sir Walter Scott A perfect wedding…. or a perfect nightmare. Lauren has

I know Your Secret

Secrets – Who needs them? Apparently, everyone in this book! This was an absorbing and gripping read that also proved to be an amazingly fast