
It’s watching. Liz Rocher has returned to Johnstown, Pennsylvania to attend her best friend’s wedding. On the night of her wedding, Mel’s (Melissa) daughter, Caroline

The White Hare

White Valley is shrouded with local legend, gossip, and fear. The valley has a long and bloody history laced with folklore. The home has sat

The Fervor

Did I mention I don’t like spiders????? Alma Katsu took a totally different direction with this book. This took me a little bit of time

A Letter to Three Witches

A spell gone wrong, a curse, forbidden witchcraft, watchers, and magic! Gwen Engel’s family has been forbidden from practicing witchcraft. Yet, they still feel magic

The Dead and the Dark

The Dark has been waiting for far too long, and it won’t stay hidden any longer. Whoever said to not be afraid of the dark,

The Neighbor

Recently divorced mother of four, Claire Vogel is a therapist living in a prestigious community. But make no mistake, this is not Mr. Rogers neighborhood!

The Children God Forgot

The Children God Forgot is not a book I will forget about soon! It is creepy, dark and chilling. Imagine aliens meets the Gerber baby